Gravity equipment


Self-flowing equipment has a fairly wide scope at enterprises whose main specialization is the storage and processing of grain, as well as unloading silos and loading them, interconnecting transportation and technological machines of various kinds, which are located at different levels. As a rule, gravity equipment consists of gravity pipes and shaped elements.


Gravity form pipes may vary depending on their purpose and purposes of use.

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Classification of gravity equipment

All drifts are divided into open and closed. Open do not have a top cover. They are cheaper, easier to maintain and repair. But when working with grain, so much dust is formed that in practice open gravity drums are practically not used.

According to the shape of the section, they are classified as follows:

– rectangular (square);
– round.

A round pipe is easier to manufacture, so such products are cheaper. But flange joints for round pipes are more expensive than for rectangular. In addition, it is easier to turn round pipes during wear by a certain angle, so that their service life is increased several times. The bottom of square pipes can be changed, which is much cheaper than a complete replacement.

The choice between the two types depends on the design of the elevator itself. The best option is to contact the representatives of the equipment manufacturer who can suggest the most effective engineering solution.